/*sidenote tool from arc90 */ /* end of Google Analytics code */ A Random Pattern: Safer (and Better) Browsing

A Random Pattern

Monday, July 11, 2005

Safer (and Better) Browsing

An independent security firm's look at browser vulnerabilities in 2004. This is a big part of why I use Firefox, not IE (the biggest reason for me is actually tabbed browsing and other tools that are more easily and safely used with Firefox than with IE). A Year Of Bugs For those of you complaining that Firefox might have as many issues if it was as popular: Maybe, maybe not. Doesn't really matter, now, does it? Right now it is undisputedly safer, and it is very trivial to switch between the two. So why not just run Firefox, and click the fox instead of the blue E? It's recommended by every security expert or PC magazine or site I've seen, and it really couldn't be much easier. If you need help, ask your geeky relative (or ask me in the comments).

Of course, those of you using a proprietary dialup client may be stuck in an IE derived browser. If so, keep the product and your windows software up-to-date (and good luck).